My Cool Title

An example


Daniel Winkler

Nils Wlömert


January 22, 2023

Level 1 Headline

Here I want to cite Golder et al. (2022). Maybe I want to cite them in brackets (Golder et al. 2022) or (see Golder et al. 2022, 12). The references are stored in the references.bib file and follow the BibTeX format. You can find BibTeX entries for most papers on google scholar. Below the search entry is a “Cite” button which opens a pop-up that has a “BibTeX” link (e.g., here).

Links to websites can be added to your document with [LINK TEXT](

Level 2 Headline

R code goes into code chunks. Chunk options are set with a special comment #|. Here we added echo: fenced and code-fold: false to show the code but you typically want to remove those from the options:

#| code-fold: false
ggplot(data.frame(x=rnorm(100), y=rnorm(100)), aes(x,y)) +
    geom_point() +

Special comments are useful to control output size and captions for images and prevent R from printing warnings (warning: false):

#| code-fold: false
#| fig-cap: "Very cool correlation"
#| fig-width: 4
#| fig-height: 4
#| warning: false
ggplot(penguins, aes(x = body_mass_g, y = bill_length_mm)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method="lm") +

Very cool correlation

Here is the data


Another main section

You can use R code inline e.g., to print summary statistics automatically. You could say the average body mass of a penguin in the Palmer Penguins dataset is 4201.8g (`round(mean(penguins$body_mass_g, na.rm=TRUE), digits=1)`).

See the quarto documentation for more info.

HTML tables

Summary statistics

penguins |>
    group_by(island, species) |>
    select(-year) |>
    summarize_if(is.numeric, \(v)mean(v, na.rm=TRUE)) |>
    gt(rowname_col = "species") |>
        title = "Penguins",
        subtitle = "Average by Island and Species"
    ) |>
        columns = bill_length_mm:flipper_length_mm,
        pattern = "{x}mm",
        decimals = 1
    ) |>
        columns = body_mass_g,
        suffixing = "KG",
        decimals = 1
    ) |>
        label = "Bill",
        columns = bill_length_mm:bill_depth_mm
    ) |>
        bill_length_mm = "length",
        bill_depth_mm = "depth",
        flipper_length_mm = "flipper length",
        body_mass_g = "body mass"
Average by Island and Species
Bill flipper length body mass
length depth
Adelie 39.0mm 18.4mm 188.8mm 3.7KG
Gentoo 47.5mm 15.0mm 217.2mm 5.1KG
Adelie 38.5mm 18.3mm 189.7mm 3.7KG
Chinstrap 48.8mm 18.4mm 195.8mm 3.7KG
Adelie 39.0mm 18.4mm 191.2mm 3.7KG

Regression Tables

## species and year fixed effects with SE clustered by species
## Note that this is JUST for presentation purposes
## and not a meaningful model!!!
mod1 <- feols(
    body_mass_g ~ flipper_length_mm + bill_length_mm | species + year,
    data = penguins
mod2 <-  feols(
    body_mass_g ~ flipper_length_mm + bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm | species + year,
    data = penguins
mod3 <-  feols(
    body_mass_g ~ flipper_length_mm + bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm | species,
    cluster = ~species,
    data = penguins
mod4 <- lm(
    body_mass_g ~ flipper_length_mm + bill_length_mm + bill_depth_mm + species,
    data = penguins
    list(`no depth` = mod1, 
         `with depth` = mod2,
         `species FE` = mod3,
         `species dummy` = mod4),
    coef_map = c(
        "flipper_length_mm" = "flipper length",
        "bill_length_mm" = "bill length",
        "bill_depth_mm" = "bill depth",
        "speciesChinstrap" = "Chinstrap vs. Adelie",
        "speciesGentoo" = "Gentoo vs. Adelie"
    gof_map = c(
        "FE: species", 
        "FE: year", 
    vcov = ~species,
    title = "Modelling Penguin Body Mass",
    notes = "OLS with species dummy results in the same parameters as species FE but is less efficient",
    output = "gt"
) |>
    tab_spanner(columns = 2:4, label = "Fixed Effects") |>
    tab_spanner(columns = 5, label = "OLS")
Modelling Penguin Body Mass
Fixed Effects OLS
no depth with depth species FE species dummy
flipper length 30.892 22.500 20.241 20.241
(3.999) (3.853) (2.690) (2.698)
bill length 60.053 42.298 41.468 41.468
(13.244) (12.217) (11.604) (11.638)
bill depth 131.265 140.328 140.328
(16.878) (16.141) (16.189)
Chinstrap vs. Adelie -513.247
Gentoo vs. Adelie 934.887
Num.Obs. 342 342 342 342
R2 0.829 0.849 0.847 0.847
R2 Within 0.482 0.544 0.537
Std.Errors by: species by: species by: species by: species
FE: species X X X
FE: year X X
OLS with species dummy results in the same parameters as species FE but is less efficient


Golder, Peter N, Marnik G Dekimpe, Jake T An, Harald J van Heerde, Darren SU Kim, and Joseph W Alba. 2022. “Learning from Data: An Empirics-First Approach to Relevant Knowledge Generation.” Journal of Marketing.